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Batch Formation Placement

Tacticalista allows you to place player objects in batches by specifying formations. To use it, press to open the formation batch placement panel. This function is only available when the field is in full view.

Formation batch placement panel

In the Formation Batch Placement panel, you can place player objects on the field in batches by specifying the formation for each home/away and pressing the "Place" button.
Checking the "Center" checkbox will cause the alignment to be spread out with respect to the center of the field.

Player List

You can enter player names and numbers in the list in the Formation Batch panel. The player name and number you enter will be reflected in the appearance of the player object. If you omit the number, the position name will be displayed. The "Line-up" tab specifies the players to be placed inside the play area, and the "Substitute" tab specifies the players to be placed outside the play area.

Paste to Player List

You can paste text in CSV format into the player list to enter player names and numbers in batches. The text to be pasted must be in the following format

Player Name1,Number1
Player Name2,Number2
Player Name3,Number3

Lists can be copied and pasted in this format from spreadsheets such as Excel or Google Spreadsheets.

Swap players in the list

To swap players in a list where player names have already been entered, click on the line you want to swap, then click on the line you want to move Click on the line you want to move to next.


Players in the "Substitute" tab are placed outside the play area by pressing the "Place" button. There are 9 blanks available by default, but you can add more by pressing the "Add" button. Press at the right end of the line to place one name into the field at a time.
The "Place the list in text" button allows you to add the player list from the Substitute tab to the field as a text object.